Say fish!
Client: Omega Innovation Our role: Brand concept and identity, packaging design, web design and web shop development, social, sales and marketing materials.
Omega Innovation is committed to the nutritional aspects of Omega-3 oils. The ambition is to manufacture pure and sustainable fish oil products based on outstanding quality for both humans and animals, made without artificial additives, and to make these available in an easy-to-use form. This in done through resellers and an online sales and marketing strategy of unique stickpacks that are hygienic, light- and air-protecting to enure the oil’s freshness from production to consumption.
We developed brand concept and identity, including corporate logo, as well as packaging design and reseller marketing materials for the three main segments, horses, pets and humans, that would reflect and support the corporate ambition of marketing Omega-3 oils as a fresh and easy nutritional supplement.
We designed and developed a webshop based on the Umbraco/Ucommerce platform allowing for subscription sales.
The brand launch was carried out through mainly paid and organic social media activities supported by a team of microinfluencers within particularly the community of equestrian sport.